I was shopping around for a Dualtron model and was having a very tough time deciding who to buy from, since Minimotors factory has 2 official distributors in the United States (VoroMotors and MinimotorsUSA)
Here are my thoughts:
1. VoroMotors has a super responsive customer service set up. MinimotorsUSA also has a responsive phone line, but it is just 1 phone line that I can get through within a set amount of days in the week. VoroMotors has a 24/7 live chat support that I can track my shipping and the status of my scooter. This just shows that I am getting support from a lot more people than just 2 person at minimotorsusa, although minimotorsusa have been nice throughout my purchasing experience as well.
2. VoroMotors has an excessive amount of spare parts in their Los Angeles HQ, I bought a few suspension adjustment kits for my Dualtron Storm when I visited their facility (It is insanely huge)
3. Warranty is pretty much the same, but the Extend protection that I get from VoroMotors gave me access to a 1-1 full replacement of the scooter compared to purchasing Extend at MinimotorsUSA which only cover repairs and parts.
4. Between Monday to Friday, I have called them a couple of times and different service advisors picked up the phone every time. This shows me I can get reliable support for the long run.